Saving money on your water bills

Watford Community Housing has partnered with Affinity Water and Cenergist to help customers save money by reducing their water usage, and to help Affinity Water work towards minimising water poverty.

Projects by Cenergist save customers on average 54 litres of water per day and can equate to savings of up to £119 per year across water and energy bills for customers on water meters.

Watford Community Housing tenants will be sent a letter offering them the chance to have a water-saving product installed, which will reduce the amount of water used in the home, without reducing water pressure or the amount of water the tenant is able to use. It will not only help to make savings on customers’ water bills (if they have a meter), but also on energy bills, as less energy will be used to heat water – although it will remain the same temperature.

This completely free project involves a qualified technician from Cenergist coming to the home and installing the water-saving product. They will also offer water-saving advice and look for any signs of leaks.

To book an appointment or find out more, please call Cenergist directly on 0191 261 0406 or email


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